Belleville, MI
550,000 SF
Upgrade a national tire distributor local warehouse’s WAN to an AT&T rate adjustable 100Mbps interstate-rated switched Ethernet circuit. Extend demarcation from the AT&T minimum point of entry (MPOE) to the MDF. Negotiate and coordinate access to two neighboring tenants’ spaces required to complete demarc extension. Install overhead cable support system in the ultra-high bay ceiling using swivel and non-swivel hammer-on flange J-hooks. Pull 880’ 6-strand armored fiber, 50 MIC MM OM3 cable from MPOE to MDF. Terminate, test, and label all fibers in Light Interface Units (LIU) with SC connectors. Connect the AT&T circuit to CLEC’s Network Interface Device (NID) using the newly installed demarc extension. Connect CLEC NID to Cisco MPLS switch. Connect customer network and test Internet Broadband and MPLS connection with CLEC and customer's IT team.